Description: Фон Полный комплект в 4 томах в шести книгах! 100 % ORIGINAL! Карл МарксКАПИТАЛ + Теории прибавочной стоимости ( четвертый том в трех частях)Karl Marx Capital + The Theory of Surplus Value (fourth volume in three parts)Государственное издательство политической литературы СССР 1949 - 1950хHardcover book Books in RussianКапитал - 794 + 530 + 932 pagesТеории прибавочной стоимости - 439 + 554 + 632Size 22.5*15 cm――――――――――――――――I always combine lots ――――――――――――――――I will professionally and securely package your purchases and provide you with a tracking code. Delivery time depends on your location and the general workload of the postal service.The approximate estimated delivery time is indicated on eBay under the item's price.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels COMMUNIST MANIFESTO Easton Press 1st Edition 1st