
Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2 Volume Set by Roland A

Description: FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2 Volume Set by Roland A. Fleck, Bruno M. Humbel The goto resource for microscopists on biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) The evolution of scanning electron microscopy technologies and capability over the past few years has revolutionized the biological imaging capabilities of the microscope—giving it the capability to examine surface structures of cellular membranes to reveal the organization of individual proteins across a membrane bilayer and the arrangement of cell cytoskeleton at a nm scale. Most notable are their improvements for field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), which when combined with cryo-preparation techniques, has provided insight into a wide range of biological questions including the functionality of bacteria and viruses. This full-colour, must-have book for microscopists traces the development of the biological field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and highlights its current value in biological research as well as its future worth. Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy highlights the present capability of the technique and informs the wider biological science community of its application in basic biological research. Starting with the theory and history of FEGSEM, the book offers chapters covering: operation (strengths and weakness, sample selection, handling, limitations, and preparation); Commercial developments and principals from the major FEGSEM manufacturers (Thermo Scientific, JEOL, HITACHI, ZEISS, Tescan); technical developments essential to bioFEGSEM; cryobio FEGSEM; cryo-FIB; FEGSEM digital-tomography; array tomography; public health research; mammalian cells and tissues; digital challenges (image collection, storage, and automated data analysis); and more. Examines the creation of the biological field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and discusses its benefits to the biological research community and future valueProvides insight into the design and development philosophy behind current instrument manufacturersCovers sample handling, applications, and key supporting techniquesFocuses on the biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), covering both plant and animal researchPresented in full colour An important part of the Wiley-Royal Microscopical Series, Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy is an ideal general resource for experienced academic and industrial users of electron microscopy—specifically, those with a need to understand the application, limitations, and strengths of FEGSEM. FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Back Cover BIOLOGICAL FIELD EMISSION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY The go?to resource for microscopists on biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy highlights the present capability of the technique and informs the wider biological science community of its application in basic biological research. Starting with the theory and history of FEGSEM, the book offers chapters covering: operation (strengths and weakness, sample selection, handling, limitations, and preparation); commercial developments and principals from the major FEGSEM manufacturers (Thermo Scientific, JEOL, HITACHI, ZEISS, Tescan); technical developments essential to bioFEGSEM; cryobio FEGSEM; cryo-FIB; FEGSEM digital-tomography; array tomography; public health research; mammalian cells and tissues; digital challenges (image collection, storage, and automated data analysis); and more. Examines the creation of the biological field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and discusses its benefits to the biological research community and future value Provides insight into the design and development philosophy behind current instrument manufacturers Covers sample handling, applications, and key supporting techniques Focuses on the biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), covering both plant and animal research Presented in full colour An important part of the Wiley-Royal Microscopical Series, Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy is an ideal general resource for experienced academic and industrial users of electron microscopy--specifically, those with a need to understand the application, limitations, and strengths of FEGSEM. Flap BIOLOGICAL FIELD EMISSION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY The go???to resource for microscopists on biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy highlights the present capability of the technique and informs the wider biological science community of its application in basic biological research. Starting with the theory and history of FEGSEM, the book offers chapters covering: operation (strengths and weakness, sample selection, handling, limitations, and preparation); commercial developments and principals from the major FEGSEM manufacturers (Thermo Scientific, JEOL, HITACHI, ZEISS, Tescan); technical developments essential to bioFEGSEM; cryobio FEGSEM; cryo-FIB; FEGSEM digital-tomography; array tomography; public health research; mammalian cells and tissues; digital challenges (image collection, storage, and automated data analysis); and more. Examines the creation of the biological field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and discusses its benefits to the biological research community and future value Provides insight into the design and development philosophy behind current instrument manufacturers Covers sample handling, applications, and key supporting techniques Focuses on the biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), covering both plant and animal research Presented in full colour An important part of the Wiley-Royal Microscopical Series, Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy is an ideal general resource for experienced academic and industrial users of electron microscopy--specifically, those with a need to understand the application, limitations, and strengths of FEGSEM. Author Biography ROLAND A. FLECK, PHD, FRCPath, FRMS, is a Professor in Ultrastructural Imaging and Director of the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging at Kings College London. Having specialised in basic research into cellular injury at low temperatures and during cryo-preservation regimes he has developed specialist knowledge of freeze fracture/freeze etch preparation of tissues and wider cryo-microscopic techniques. As director of the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging he supports advanced three dimensional studies of cells and tissues by both conventional room temperature and cryo electron microscopy. He is a visiting Professor of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen and Professor of the UNESCO Chair in Cryobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology, Kharkiv, Ukraine. BRUNO M. HUMBEL, Dr. sc. nat. ETH, is head of the Imaging Section at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Onna son, Okinawa, Japan. He is awarded a research professorship at Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan. He got his PhD at the Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, with Prof. Hans Moor and Dr. Martin MÜller, both pioneers in cryo-electron microscopy (high-pressure freezing, freeze-fracturing, freeze-substitution and low-temperature embedding, cryo-SEM, cryo-sectioning). His research focuses on sample preparation for optimal, life-like imaging of biological objects in the electron microscope. The main interests are preparation methods based on cryo-fixation applied in Cell Biology. From here, hybrid follow-up methods like freeze-substitution or freeze-fracturing are used. He is also involved in immunolabelling technology, e.g., ultra-small gold particles and has been working on techniques for correlative microscopy and volume microscopy for a couple of years. He teaches cryo-techniques and immunolabelling and correlative microscopy in international workshops and has professional affiliations with Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Peoples Republic of China as a distinguished professor and co-director of the Center of Cryo-Electron Microscopy and with the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, as a FAPEMIG visiting professor at the Centro de Microscopia da UFMG. Table of Contents About the Editors xix List of Contributors xxi Foreword xxv 1 Scanning Electron Microscopy: Theory, History and Development of the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope 1David C. Joy 2 Akashi Seisakusho Ltd – SEM Development 1972–1986 7Michael F. Hayles 3 Development of FE-SEM Technologies for Life Science Fields 25Mitsugu Sato, Mami Konomi, Ryuichiro Tamochi and Takeshi Ishikawa 4 A History of JEOL Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopes with Reference to Biological Applications 53Kazumichi Ogura and Andrew Yarwood 5 TESCAN Approaches to Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 79Jaroslav Jiruše, Vratislav Koštál and Bohumila Lencová 6 FEG-SEM for Large Volume 3D Structural Analysis in Life Sciences 103Ben Lich, Faysal Boughorbel, Pavel Potocek and Emine Korkmaz 7 ZEISS Scanning Electron Microscopes for Biological Applications 117Isabel Angert, Christian Böker, Martin Edelman, Stephan Hiller, Arno Merkle and Dirk Zeitler 8 SEM Cryo-Stages and Preparation Chambers 143Robert Morrison 9 Cryo–SEM Specimen Preparation Workflows from the Leica Microsystems Design Perspective 167Guenter P. Resch 10 Chemical Fixation 191Bruno M. Humbel, Heinz Schwarz, Erin M. Tranfield and Roland A. Fleck 11 A Brief Review of Cryobiology with Reference to Cryo Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 223Roland A. Fleck, Eyal Shimoni and Bruno M. Humbel 12 High-Resolution Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Macromolecular Complexes 265Sebastian Tacke, Falk Lucas, Jeremy D. Woodward, Heinz Gross and Roger Wepf 13 FESEM in the Examination of Mammalian Cells and Tissues 299Andrew Forge, Anwen Bullen and Ruth Taylor 14 Public Health/Pharmaceutical Research – Pathology and Infectious Disease 311Paul A. Gunning and Bärbel Hauröder 15 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy in Cell Biology Featuring the Plant Cell Wall and Nuclear Envelope 343Martin W. Goldberg 16 Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy in Yeast Cells 363Masako Osumi 17 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy in Food Research 385Johan Hazekamp and Marjolein van Ruijven 18 Cryo-FEGSEM in Biology 397Paul Walther 19 Preparation of Vitrified Cells for TEM by Cryo-FIB Microscopy 415Yoshiyuki Fukuda, Andrew Leis and Alexander Rigort 20 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy 439Rudolph Reimer, Dennis Eggert and Heinrich Hohenberg 21 Correlative Array Tomography 461Thomas Templier and Richard H.R. Hahnloser 22 The Automatic Tape Collection UltraMicrotome (ATUM) 485Anwen Bullen 23 SBEM Techniques 495Christel Genoud 24 FIB-SEM for Biomaterials 517Lucille A. Giannuzzi 25 New Opportunities for FIB/SEM EDX in Nanomedicine: Cancerogenesis Research 533Damjana Drobne, Sara Novak, Andreja Erman and Goran Drai´c 26 FIB-SEM Tomography of Biological Samples: Explore the Life in 3D 545Caroline Kizilyaprak, Damien De Bellis, Willy Blanchard, Jean Daraspe and Bruno M. Humbel 27 Three-Dimensional Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Structural Biology 567J.D. Woodward and R.A. Wepf 28 Element Analysis in the FEGSEM: Application and Limitations for Biological Systems 589Alice Warley and Jeremy N. Skepper 29 Image and Resource Management in Microscopy in the Digital Age 611Patrick Schwarb, Anwen Bullen, Dean Flanders, Maria Marosvölgyi, Martyn Winn, Urs Gomez and Roland A. Fleck 30 Part 1: Optimizing the Image Output: Tuning the SEM Parameters for the Best Photographic Results 625Oliver Meckes and Nicole Ottawa 31 A Synoptic View on Microstructure: Multi-Detector Colour Imaging, nanoflight® 659Stefan Diller Index 679 Review Since the first commercial SEM (scanning electron microscope) was produced by Cambridge Instruments in 1965, the resolution,image contrast, and operability have improved dramatically which have turned field emission SEM into an increasingly valuable tool in the life science community. The challenge of life science microscopy is to provide the structural information for the correlation of structure and function in complex biological systems. For this reason, this two-volume edition comes as a welcome addition to the biologists library, since they encompass all the information needed to approach life science FEG SEM imaging challenges, including detailed descriptions of the instrumentation and analytical techniques currently available in the field. There are many features of this edition that make it a useful resource for both the beginner and more advanced microscopist. First, the two volumes are composed of 31 self-contained chapters, each written by leading authorities on these subjects. Secondly, the chapters are richly illustrated and most chapters are complemented with a comprehensive, valuable, and up-to-date list of references. Accordingly, the user who seeks to purchase new equipment or select the appropriate technique will find useful information in both volumes. In the initial nine chapters of vol. 1, the reader is given a comprehensive historical review and introduction to the possibilities of the current technology—choice of microscopy method and specimen preparation as well as cryo and room temperature options—edited by representatives from the major companies in the field. The three last chapters of vol. 1 are dedicated to a review of specimen preparation methods—chemical fixation and cryo methods—which are a must-read for any scientist in this field. In vol. 2 in the first five chapters, the reader is introduced to more special applications and results of the techniques, spanning from pathology and infectious diseases, plant cell wall and nuclear envelope, yeast cell to food research. The three following chapters focus on cryo-FEGSEM in biology, preparation protocols of vitrified cells for cryo-FIB microscopy, and ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscopy) including many valuable tips and tricks. Opportunities for "Life in 3D" research are described in great detail with chapters on Correlative Array Tomography and the Automatic Tape Collection Microtome followed by chapters on FIB-SEM for Biomaterials, FIB-SEM tomography, and 3D FEGSEM as a tool for structural biology. Vol. 2 is concluded with three chapters on image post-processing and resource management, which are relevant to all scientists—not just FEG SEM microscopists. In conclusion, I highly recommend Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy to anybody who wishes to implement and/or improve an available technology or method. This two-volume edition allows the reader to contemplate how to use existing equipment with some minor adjustments or simple application of sample preparation and analytical tools. Furthermore, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest imaging technologies available in the field and should therefore be invaluable to any researcher who wishes to find a discussion of all these techniques and applications under one umbrella.—Microscopy and Microanalysis (2020)Klaus Qvortrup, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, The Panum Institute, Denmark Long Description The go to resource for microscopists on biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) The evolution of scanning electron microscopy technologies and capability over the past few years has revolutionized the biological imaging capabilities of the microscope giving it the capability to examine surface structures of cellular membranes to reveal the organization of individual proteins across a membrane bilayer and the arrangement of cell cytoskeleton at a nm scale. Most notable are their improvements for field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), which when combined with cryo-preparation techniques, has provided insight into a wide range of biological questions including the functionality of bacteria and viruses. This full-colour, must-have book for microscopists traces the development of the biological field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and highlights its current value in biological research as well as its future worth. Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy highlights the present capability of the technique and informs the wider biological science community of its application in basic biological research. Starting with the theory and history of FEGSEM, the book offers chapters covering: operation (strengths and weakness, sample selection, handling, limitations, and preparation); Commercial developments and principals from the major FEGSEM manufacturers (Thermo Scientific, JEOL, HITACHI, ZEISS, Tescan); technical developments essential to bioFEGSEM; cryobio FEGSEM; cryo-FIB; FEGSEM digital-tomography; array tomography; public health research; mammalian cells and tissues; digital challenges (image collection, storage, and automated data analysis); and more. Examines the creation of the biological field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and discusses its benefits to the biological research community and future value Provides insight into the design and development philosophy behind current instrument manufacturers Covers sample handling, applications, and key supporting techniques Focuses on the biological applications of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM), covering both plant and animal research Presented in full colour An important part of the Wiley-Royal Microscopical Series, Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy is an ideal general resource for experienced academic and industrial users of electron microscopy specifically, those with a need to understand the application, limitations, and strengths of FEGSEM. Review Text Since the first commercial SEM (scanning electron microscope) was produced by Cambridge Instruments in 1965, the resolution,image contrast, and operability have improved dramatically which have turned field emission SEM into an increasingly valuable tool in the life science community. The challenge of life science microscopy is to provide the structural information for the correlation of structure and function in complex biological systems. For this reason, this two-volume edition comes as a welcome addition to the biologists library, since they encompass all the information needed to approach life science FEG SEM imaging challenges, including detailed descriptions of the instrumentation and analytical techniques currently available in the field. There are many features of this edition that make it a useful resource for both the beginner and more advanced microscopist. First, the two volumes are composed of 31 self-contained chapters, each written by leading authorities on these subjects. Secondly, the chapters are richly illustrated and most chapters are complemented with a comprehensive, valuable, and up-to-date list of references. Accordingly, the user who seeks to purchase new equipment or select the appropriate technique will find useful information in both volumes. In the initial nine chapters of vol. 1, the reader is given a comprehensive historical review and introduction to the possibilities of the current technology--choice of microscopy method and specimen preparation as well as cryo and room temperature options--edited by representatives from the major companies in the field. The three last chapters of vol. 1 are dedicated to a review of specimen preparation methods--chemical fixation and cryo methods--which are a must-read for any scientist in this field. In vol. 2 in the first five chapters, the reader is introduced to more special applications and results of the techniques, spanning from pathology and infectious diseases, plant cell wall and nuclear envelope, yeast cell to food research. The three following chapters focus on cryo-FEGSEM in biology, preparation protocols of vitrified cells for cryo-FIB microscopy, and ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscopy) including many valuable tips and tricks. Opportunities for "Life in 3D" research are described in great detail with chapters on Correlative Array Tomography and the Automatic Tape Collection Microtome followed by chapters on FIB-SEM for Biomaterials, FIB-SEM tomography, and 3D FEGSEM as a tool for structural biology. Vol. 2 is concluded with three chapters on image post-processing and resource management, which are relevant to all scientists--not just FEG SEM microscopists. In conclusion, I highly recommend Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy to anybody who wishes to implement and/or improve an available technology or method. This two-volume edition allows the reader to contemplate how to use existing equipment with some minor adjustments or simple application of sample preparation and analytical tools. Furthermore, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest imaging technologies available in the field and should therefore be invaluable to any researcher who wishes to find a discussion of all these techniques and applications under one umbrella. -- Microscopy and Microanalysis (2020) Klaus Qvortrup , Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, The Panum Institute, Denmark Review Quote Since the first commercial SEM (scanning electron microscope) was produced by Cambridge Instruments in 1965, the resolution,image contrast, and operability have improved dramatically which have turned field emission SEM into an increasingly valuable tool in the life science community. The challenge of life science microscopy is to provide the structural information for the correlation of structure and function in complex biological systems. For this reason, this two-volume edition comes as a welcome addition to the biologists library, since they encompass all the information needed to approach life science FEG SEM imaging challenges, including detailed descriptions of the instrumentation and analytical techniques currently available in the field. There are many features of this edition that make it a useful resource for both the beginner and more advanced microscopist. First, the two volumes are composed of 31 self-contained chapters, each written by leading authorities on these subjects. Secondly, the chapters are richly illustrated and most chapters are complemented with a comprehensive, valuable, and up-to-date list of references. Accordingly, the user who seeks to purchase new equipment or select the appropriate technique will find useful information in both volumes. In the initial nine chapters of vol. 1, the reader is given a comprehensive historical review and introduction to the possibilities of the current technology--choice of microscopy method and specimen preparation as well as cryo and room temperature options--edited by representatives from the major companies in the field. The three last chapters of vol. 1 are dedicated to a review of specimen preparation methods--chemical fixation and cryo methods--which are a must-read for any scientist in this field. In vol. 2 in the first five chapters, the reader is introduced to more special applications and results of the techniques, spanning from pathology and infectious diseases, plant cell wall and nuclear envelope, yeast cell to food research. The three following chapters focus on cryo-FEGSEM in biology, preparation protocols of vitrified cells for cryo-FIB microscopy, and ESEM (environmental scanning electron microscopy) including many valuable tips and tricks. Opportunities for "Life in 3D" research are described in great detail with chapters on Correlative Array Tomography and the Automatic Tape Collection Microtome followed by chapters on FIB-SEM for Biomaterials, FIB-SEM tomography, and 3D FEGSEM as a tool for structural biology. Vol. 2 is concluded with three chapters on image post-processing and resource management, which are relevant to all scientists--not just FEG SEM microscopists. In conclusion, I highly recommend Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy to anybody who wishes to implement and/or improve an available technology or method. This two-volume edition allows the reader to contemplate how to use existing equipment with some minor adjustments or simple application of sample preparation and analytical tools. Furthermore, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest imaging technologies available in the field and should therefore be invaluable to any researcher who wishes to find a discussion of all these techniques and applications under one umbrella. -- Microscopy and Microanalysis (2020) Klaus Qvortrup , Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, The Panum Institute, Denmark Details ISBN1118654064 Series RMS - Royal Microscopical Society ISBN-10 1118654064 ISBN-13 9781118654064 Format Hardcover Edition 1st Edited by Bruno M. Humbel DEWEY 570.2825 Language English UK Release Date 2019-04-26 NZ Release Date 2019-04-26 US Release Date 2019-04-26 Author Bruno M. Humbel Pages 752 Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc Year 2019 Publication Date 2019-04-26 Imprint John Wiley & Sons Inc Place of Publication New York Country of Publication United States Audience Professional & Vocational AU Release Date 2019-04-25 We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! 30 DAY RETURN POLICY No questions asked, 30 day returns! FREE DELIVERY No matter where you are in the UK, delivery is free. SECURE PAYMENT Peace of mind by paying through PayPal and eBay Buyer Protection TheNile_Item_ID:83092855;

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Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2 Volume Set by Roland A

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ISBN-13: 9781118654064

Book Title: Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2 Volume

Number of Pages: 752 Pages

Language: English

Publication Name: Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy: 2 Volume Set

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons INC International Concepts

Publication Year: 2019

Subject: Medicine, Science

Item Height: 269 mm

Item Weight: 2212 g

Type: Textbook

Author: Bruno M. Humbel, Roland A. Fleck

Series: Rms-Royal Microscopical Society

Item Width: 188 mm

Format: Hardcover


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